Jewelry Tray Tutorial

IMG_2108Spring is here! The sun is shining and each day is more beautiful than the next. I hope you all are ready for Easter, because it is just a few days away. My family has been gearing up for a spectacular day. I have plans to make the Pioneer Woman‘s super yummy gooey cinnamon rolls for our Easter family brunch.

This is a really busy time for all of us. Prepping for Easter and making plans to keep the kiddos busy for spring break. It’s a crazy time. Super crazy for me, because we have added moving to our list of things to do. Yep, we never do things the easy way. So we’re heading for a whole new beginning. It’s scary and exciting all at the same time.

Moving is always stressful, but once you’re finally settled it’s a glorious feeling. I have been busy prepping for our new place. We have a large bathroom with lots of counter space. So that means lots of space for my jewelry and hair accessories. I thought I’d share one of my projects with all of you. It’s a quick and easy jewelry stand for your earrings and rings. I also made a matching headband holder. You can check out the tutorial for it, you can find it at my Adventures in Motherhood blog. So let’s get started!

Jewelry Stand Tutorial


-Candle Stand (Ikea)
-Decorative Candle Tray (Ikea)
-Acrylic Paint
-Hot Glue Gun


This is a quick and easy one, so don’t blink or you’ll miss it! We’ll begin by painting both your candle holder and candle tray. Set them aside to dry.


Once your paint has dried, we’re going to attach them together. Plug the hot glue gun in and let it heat up. In the meantime, turn your candle tray upside down and determine the placement of the candle stand. Trace the circumference of the candle stand.

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When your glue gun is hot, add a healthy amount of glue to the top of the candle holder and attach it to the candle tray. Place a heavy book on top of it to hold it in place. Set it aside to let it dry.


We’re finished! Now you have a fabulous new jewelry tray for all you accessories. Display it with pride. I can’t wait to use mine!

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Stay tuned. In just a few weeks, we should be all moved in and I’ll have another fun tutorial for all of you. Enjoy your Easter celebrations and the time with your families.
