Aaliyah’s First Halloween

October 31, 2011

Today we celebrated Aaliyah’s very first Halloween! We were all so excited. I was probably the most excited out of everyone. The thing that i looked forward to the most was making her first Halloween costume. My mom always made our Halloween costumes when we were little. So it seemed like the natural thing to do. Especially since I am a sewer. So, I made her a Minnie Mouse costume for her first Halloween. It was very simple and understated, because she is only 2 1/2 months old.

This afternoon we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Angel’s house to carve pumpkins with Uncle Cory, Auntie Krystal, and cousin Shelby. Aaliyah chose the kitty cat to be carved into her pumpkin. Cory tortured everyone with the pumpkin guts. Shelby was he most traumatized of the bunch. Aaliyah slept through most of the event. Saving up her strength I suppose. In the end, we had three marvelously carved pumpkins and one very cute colored pumpkin courtesy of little Shelby. I saved the pumpkin seeds to bake for later. My parents used to do the same, when we were kids. So I figured why not!


I baked some pumpkin bread for us as well, because i was feeling festive. Then we relaxed a bit while Shelby transformed into Sleeping Beauty. Once George and Grandma Angel arrived, we prepared to go trick or treating. We chose to spend Halloween in my parents neighborhood, because nobody really participates in Trick or Treating in our neighborhood. Seven years, and we have only had one Trick or Treater! Total!!! Makes it difficult to get festive. Krystal and I wore witch hats and my mom wore Cory’s Pimp outfit. It was a little comical. We dressed Aaliyah up in her Minnie Mouse costume, and then we set out to tour the neighborhood. At first there weren’t very many kids out, but then we were surrounded. Shelby had a ball going from house to house. And Aaliyah fell asleep pretty quickly in my arms. She’s not into candy all that much just yet.

We called it a night fairly early and relieved George of his candyman duties. We ordered a pizza and started rummaging through Shelby’s loot. She really made out! My teeth hurt just thinking about it. All and all, Aaliyah’s first Halloween was a success. We look forward to many more!