DIY – Valentine’s Candy Dish

IMG_1915Good morning everyone! I was feeling inspired this weekend. We had a lot of rainy cold weather, so I spent my time at my mom’s house making chili, watching movies, and crafting! So it was a fabulous weekend! I made my first two Valentine’s Day projects. You all know I love to decorate the house for the holidays. Today’s project combines my love of holiday decorating and my obsession with candy! Such a glorious combination. We’re going to be creating a Valentine’s candy dish. Let’s get started!

IMG_1913Valentine’s Day Candy Dish


– Terra Cotta Pot
– Terra Cotta Pot Base
– 5″ Glass Fish Bowl Vase
– 1″ Wooden Ball
– Pink Acrylic Paint
– White Acrylic Paint
– Foam Paint Brushes
– Small Paint Brush
– Hot Glue Gun
– Valentine’s Stickers

We’re going to begin by painting the Wooden Ball, Terra Cotta Pot, and Base. Depending on the colors of paint you choose, you might need to apply several coats of paint to cover the hideous orange. When you are finished, set the pot, base and wooden ball aside to dry.


While your paint is drying, plug in your glue gun so it has time to heat up. Pull out your stickers and decide where you would like to place them on your pot. When the paint is dry, turn your pot upside down on your work space. You should be staring at the bottom of the pot. Apply glue to the backs of your stickers and place them on the designated spots on your pot.


Once you have assembled your stickers, you may paint a phrase or something cutesy on the front. I chose to stick with my Owl ThemeOwl Love You. Cheese-ball, I know, but fun.


Now that you have decorated your candy dish base the way you want it, it’s time to assemble. We’re almost finished. Apply a healthy amount of glue to the top of your pot. You want to cover the entire surface of the pot. Place your fish bowl vase on top of your pot. Hold it in place for about a minute, so the glue can begin to set up.

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In the meantime, we are going to assemble the lid for your candy dish. take the base for your pot, and turn it upside down. The wide mouth of the base should be face down on your surface. Put some hot glue on the flat side of your wooden ball. Place the wooden ball in the center of your base and hold in place for a minute.


Once the glue has dried, place your lid on top of the fish bowl. Voila! You have made an adorable new candy dish. Now you just have to decide what delicious candy you want to put out on display!
